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Instability services offered in the greater Bonita Springs, FL area

Balance problems, like instability and dizziness, increase your risk of accidents and falls. Fortunately, physical therapy can identify the cause and help restore your equilibrium. At Bridging the Gap Physical Therapy in Bonita Springs, Florida, physical therapist David Lee, PT, DPT, and the team specialize in diagnosing and treating common causes of instability, including Parkinson’s disease, inner ear problems, and aging. Call Bridging the Gap Physical Therapy today to schedule treatment for instability, or book your appointment online. 

I’m naturally clumsy. Should I worry about instability?

Everyone experiences poor balance from time to time, but if you regularly feel dizzy or as if you might fall, it’s crucial to identify the underlying cause. The harder it is to keep your balance, the more likely you are to avoid activities you love. 

Working with a physical therapist can restore mobility, improve quality of life, and reduce the risk of fall-related injuries. 

At Bridging the Gap Physical Therapy, the team focuses on two aspects of instability:


Dizziness causes you to feel light-headed and woozy. It occurs when your brain can’t calculate the position of your body in relation to your surroundings. 

Loss of balance

Your brain, eyes, and inner ears communicate to give you your sense of balance. If one or more systems don’t process information correctly, you’re more likely to feel off balance and fall. 

Physical therapy uses hands-on methods to reconnect these systems and reduce your symptoms of dizziness and instability.

Who can benefit from instability treatment with a physical therapist?

Make an appointment at Bridging the Gap Physical Therapy if you have a health condition that affects your balance and mobility, like:

  • Vertigo
  • Meniere’s disease
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Vestibular neuritis
  • Migraine headache
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Stroke

You also might be a candidate for instability therapy if you have a musculoskeletal condition that increases your risk of falls, like arthritis or osteoporosis.

What happens before physical therapy for instability?

Your provider will review your medical records and refer you to an audiologist (ear doctor) for a series of specialized tests to evaluate the health of your inner ears.

Next, they assess your balance, gait, muscle strength, and reflexes. Then they develop a personalized physical therapy treatment plan to help you feel more steady on your feet.

How does physical therapy for instability work?

At Bridging the Gap Physical Therapy, the team treats instability using a patient-centered and hands-on approach. They might suggest:

  • Stretching
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Eye movement control exercises
  • Balance retraining
  • Soft tissue mobilization
  • Trigger point release
  • Functional joint mobilization
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Myofascial release

When combined, these measures help you maintain better balance and prevent falls. 

Call Bridging the Gap Physical Therapy today to schedule treatment for instability, or book your appointment online.